25 Years of The Good Friday Agreement


This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement.

The Good Friday Agreement not only put an end to decades of violence but also reshaped the realm of possibilities and aspirations for the people across this land. While there is an understanding of the work yet to be completed to fulfil the Agreement, The Government have marked the 25th Anniversary of its signing. This gives us all an opportunity to reflect on the Agreement, allowing us to come together to continue to build an open future together.

The Good Friday agreement brought peace through votes from both sides of Ireland. It was made possible by not just Northern Irish, Irish and UK Governments but also international governments supported it. US, South Africa, Canada and more.

By zoocreative, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=12997074

We take time on this 25th Anniversary to appreciate those who made it all possible. We look back on the years with gratitude and also acknowledge there is more yet to be done. This includes outstanding commitments of the GFA and the importance of dealing with the legacy of the past in a way that respects the rights and needs of victims, survivors and their families.

Throughout this anniversary year, the Government has sought to honour the pivotal milestones of the Agreement, including recognizing the historic contributions of women in the peace process and the broader civil society voices that advocated for the GFA.

We also note and celebrate today’s peacebuilders across the island, including partners of the Department of Foreign Affairs’ Reconciliation Fund.

Since 1998, The Good Friday Agreement continues to serve as the living foundation of relationships throughout these lands. The Government remains steadfast in its commitment to fully implement the Agreement, utilizing the next 25 years to construct a better future grounded in peace and reconciliation.

To check out some of the events and initiatives supported by the Department during this anniversary year so far, you can follow these links: